Amanda Gorman: Call Us What We Carry (2021, Penguin Random House) No rating

This luminous poetry collection by #1 New York Times bestselling author and presidential inaugural poet …

& SO by Amanda Gorman

It is easy to harp, Harder to hope.

This truth, like the white-blown sky, Can only be felt in its entirety or not at all. The glorious was not made to be piecemeal. Despite being drenched with dread, This dark girl still dreams. We smile like a sun that is never shunted.

Grief, when it goes, does so softly, Like the exit of that breath We just realized we clutched.

Since the world is round, There is no way to walk away From each other, for even then We are coming back together.

Some distances, if allowed to grow, Are merely the greatest proximities.

Call Us What We Carry by  (Page 25)