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Hannah Emerson: The Kissing of Kissing (Paperback, 2022, Milkweed Editions) No rating

In this remarkable debut, which marks the beginning of Multiverse--a literary series written and curated …

Fill Your Arms by Hannah Emerson

Please try only to go to the place that is just trying kissing us yearning to love this moment instead

of hating it yes. Please try to kiss this place that is probing our sweet soul that is trying to understand just what the hell is going on yes. Please

help kiss the process that is happening in this world now yes. Please fill your arms with the bear the heart the monkey the horse the kissing kissing kissing that they bring to us

today yes. Please try to help them get up to dance in ward to find the strength that will find great great great new wiring that is trying to become the nothing air that we breathe that is sweat we need to let out yes.

Please try to go to the sweat helping yourself go to the salt that will melt you yes. Please try to become the ocean that is becoming yes yes that is becoming lovely life yes yes. Please fill your arms trying to take in the nothing of everything yes yes.

The Kissing of Kissing by  (Page 48)

Hannah Emerson: The Kissing of Kissing (Paperback, 2022, Milkweed Editions) No rating

In this remarkable debut, which marks the beginning of Multiverse--a literary series written and curated …

I Live in the Woods of My Words by Hannah Emerson

I live in the branches of the trees. I live in the great keeping freedom of the really helpful down yearning in the grown of the forest floor. The words fall from the sky like snow on this day. They become the floor of the forest. The ground from which all things grow into the towards. It is great great dream of life try to dream. I live in each letter that is where you will find me. They have been given to us as keys to the great breathing hope of life. I always wanted to live there but couldn't live there until the poetry gave me life of words.

The Kissing of Kissing by  (Page 19)

Hannah Emerson: The Kissing of Kissing (Paperback, 2022, Milkweed Editions) No rating

In this remarkable debut, which marks the beginning of Multiverse--a literary series written and curated …